Unsere Geschichte

Der beste Gurt, um deine Kamera während der Radfahrt sicher zu transportieren.

Einfach an der Kamera oder jeder Tasche zu befestigen, schnell zu öffnen durch FIDLOCK-Verschluss und einstellbar auf jede Gurtbreite - der Rille Kameragurt. Es werden nur langlebige Materialien aus der Segelindustrie verwendet, um den nassen und salzigen Bedingungen auf deiner Fahrt zu trotzen.

A couple years ago, I was faced with the inconvenient situation to carry my new SONY A6000 on a bike. It was no fun! So I ordered different straps which were made to carry the camera on a bike. They all weren’t good enough. Either too complicated, too limited or simply too expensive. So I began experimenting with my own ideas.

A couple years ago, I was faced with the inconvenient situation to carry my new SONY A6000 on a bike. It was no fun! So I ordered different straps which were made to carry the camera on a bike. They all weren’t good enough. Either too complicated, too limited or simply too expensive. So I began experimenting with my own ideas.

It took two years, many attempts with different cameras, different sizes, different lenses until I was happy.

I gave it to many of my photography and film making friends who ride as much as they can. They all liked it and gave some valuable feedback. And it took another couple of months having the
confidence selling it to you. Well, here we are: It’s available for all. Enjoy!

It took two years, many attempts with different cameras, different sizes, different lenses until I was happy.

I gave it to many of my photography and film making friends who ride as much as they can. They all liked it and gave some valuable feedback. And it took another couple of months having the
confidence selling it to you. Well, here we are: It’s available for all. Enjoy!

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